SEMPRE – Interreg BSR Programme

Social Empowerment in Rural Areas of the Baltic Sea Region (SEMPRE)
1. Capacity for innovation
1.3 Non-technological innovation





INTERREG is about fostering and supporting partners from around the Baltic Sea area in order to learn from each other, to share experience and to develop new products and innovative approaches jointly.

SEMPRE intends to network and cooperate on a transnational basis – our partnership has a comprehensive knowledge base and will enrich competences and skills of organisations from other EU countries and regions, and individuals including Greater Poland region. This is the surplus of working transnationally!

The project design foresees a combination of transnational activities and parallel regional processes that are intertwined and reinforcing each other. The partnership jointly develops a methodology, reference framework and evaluation approach. The implementation and testing is carried out by the partners in their own regions, and results are fed back into the transnational partnership.

According to the INTERREG Programme design, our main focus is on capacity building of professionals working in the social service sector. Enabling the staff to work with their end users /beneficiaries / clients /customers more effectively and efficiently will contribute to a sustainable and affordable social infrastructure on a financially sound basis.

Micro projects are testing ground for this innovative approach.

SEMPRE follows a multi-level and cross-sector approach. This diversity is mirrored in the project results and products (among them the empowering tools).

Social service providers will deploy more and better tools for empowering members of marginalised groups starting from the macro (European) till micro (local) level.

SEMPRE is understood to be a laboratory for experiment and development . The Handbook will illustrate and summarise processes of how new ways and forms of learning and cooperation between service staff and end users are developed, implemented and evaluated in order to equip stakeholders within and outside the SEMPRE project context with knowledge of improving services in their particular regions.

Recommendations will target political levels and the frameworks (financial, political, juridical) which support or hinder the development of services and the social economy in a broader sense.

The end users, their expectations and needs are but one focus of SEMPRE!


The benefits for Greater Poland region with SEMPRE project – Micro project: Local Point/Centre of Activities for Youth

Target groups: all (youth, students, NGOs, other local initiative groups)

1.Youth in general 13-19/20 (gymnasium, high school)

2.Youth from orphanages and foster homes

3.Youth with physical disabilities

4.Students with physical disabilities


workshops, group and individual coaching, different hobbies (helping youth to discover their potential and their ‘element’- what they good at and what they like to do); meetings and study visits with local entrepreneurs


NGOs, actors/musicians/other hobbies’ practitioners, coaches, psychologist etc., local entrepreneurs, local authorities, schools



  • Enhancing the youth, other special groups to cooperate together (going out of their homes) and take local initiatives
  • Developing of self-esteem, proactivity attitude and ‘it is doable’ approach (I can!)
  • 1 place where different groups can spend their time with others ‘similar’ to them (outside of schools or homes) with the aim to contribute
  • Joint developing of products and services which are supporting social innovations and service innovations
  • renewing public services through innovations- after the project is finished the local centres could be run by the local authorities (yet the challenge may be the lack of trust towards the local authority) or by an NGO with support (also financial) of local governmental that could secure the sustainability of the results (also after 2020 when we UE funds will be very limited for Poland)
  • we need to bring the beneficiaries together and help them invent and collaborate as well as match make them with other actors

SEMPRE is part-financed by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020 (European Regional Development Fund) of the European Union

More on SEMPRE

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